
Serendipity Experience 79 : Be a Sydney Spectator!

3:02 PM
This is our first year of owning a boat and so of course we had to join the hoard of spectators out on Sydney Harbour to watch the popular Sydney to Hobart yaght race.  It was quite a surreal experience sitting in the midst of the action and hearing the boom of the starter gun. It was the most amazing atmosphere, being surrounded...


Christmas traditions

Serendipity Experience 78 : Share Christmas Traditions

2:48 PM
Despite living in a country that celebrates Christmas in Summer our family always has a traditional Hot Christmas Dinner complete with Roast Turkey, Yorkshire Pudding, Peaches with Cranberry Sauce and Plum Pudding with Brandy Sauce. To me it wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't celebrate in this way! We always have Christmas Crackers on our table. We sit around the table joining each...


Clay ornaments

Serendipity Experience 77: Make Clay Ornaments

7:45 AM
My daughters and I decided we would attempt to make our own white clay ornaments this year. It was such an easy and enjoyable task! We have used the ornaments to decorate our presents, wine glasses and even our Christmas Wreath! How to make White Clay Making these decorations only requires 3 ingredients                      ...


Candy canes

Serendipity Experience 76: Candy Canes and Christmas Carols

5:28 AM
Candy canes seem to be featuring very strongly in our Christmas preparations this year! My daughter is busy preparing us spectacular Lindt hot chocolates and milkshakes with candy cane stirrers, whilst my son and I are sharing a nightly reading of "The Christmas Carol" accompanied by a glass of milk and mandatory candy cane. We are thoroughly enjoying our nightly reading sessions and...


Christmas cooking

Serendipity Experience 75: Christmas in the Kitchen!

1:05 PM
With the Children embarking upon their seven weeks of school holidays I am already looking for ways to keep them off their computers, what better than the offer of food??? Our Hot Chocolate Station My youngest daughter is hot chocolate crazy, so when I came across the idea of a Christmas drinking station we just had to have our own!!! Supper for Santa! My...



Serendipity Experience 74: Babushka, Babushka!!!

11:03 PM
Today we went Christmas shopping at the Boutique Markets at The Entertainment Quarter at Moore Park. I was thrilled to come across these most gorgeous Cake Pops, handmade from balls of cake dipped in chocolate candy. My favourite was this lovely Babushka pop made by Zsa Zsa Delights, they really are too gorgeous to eat!!!   This season I am decorating with my...


Christmas advent calendar

Serendipity Experience 73 : Create a Christmas Advent Calendar

8:59 PM
This year I decided to create an Advent calendar with a countdown activity list to keep us on track ( and also to encourage us to have some fun along the way!). I used a mixture of handmade and bought decorations to symbolize each of the activities we plan to do each day. A sample of some of the activities we have planned...


Christmas Cloche

Serendipity Experience 72: Create a Christmas Snowscene

3:24 PM
This year we have decided upon a Reindeer snow theme for Christmas. We decided that although we had no chance of a White Christmas here in Sydney, there was absolutely nothing stopping us from creating our own! We made glitter houses on little trays Our little reindeer surveys the snow scene A Coastal White Christmas?? We are having so much fun creating our...



Serendipity Experience 71 : Delight in a splash of Lavender.

9:48 PM
The Jacaranda's are in full bloom and Sydney is awash with colour! Everywhere you turn splashes of purple and lavender abound.  From my window little patches of Lavender are everywhere!                                                                            In keeping with the colour scheme  I thought it was only appropriate that I add my own interior splashes of lavender to my home, unfortunately the intense heat over the past few...


Halloween decorating

Serendipity Experience 70: Decorate for Halloween

7:02 PM
Our Family are Halloween addicts, we just love halloween parties, trick or treating and general macabre decorating! This year on my son's insistence we made our own gory apothecary jars. It was a lot of fun sourcing old antique jars, making the labels and finding creative fillings, I'm beginning to think that offering my children "Eye of Newt" peas may finally one way I can encourage...



Serendipity Experience 69 : Sit under a Tuscan Sun!

10:59 PM
Winter in Sydney can not be considered harsh by any stretch of the imagination, yet we are all missing the glorious heat of the long summer Tuscan days! Was it really only just a few weeks ago that we were walking through these vineyards? Tranquility in Tuscany Share your Vacation at ...



Serendipity Experience 68: Serenity in Santorini

1:23 AM
There is something so surreal about sitting on the beautiful island of Santorini amidst the striking blue Mediterranean and the blue domed churches that so typify this little haven. After weeks of travelling, our feet are weary and our bags heavy, yet we seem to have no difficulty sprinting down the steep white stairways to the cool sanctuary of our villa. We are...



Serendipity Experience 67: Swiss Kiss

6:14 PM
 We have just spent the past week enjoy the crisp mountain air of Switzerland. It is so simple to get   thoroughly lost in the "chocolate box" scenery that unfolds each day as you embrace the crisp clean air    and mountain freshness!                     A blanket of summer flowers just asking us to run through the...



Serendipity experience 66: Fall in love with Laduree

11:11 PM
There is nothing more delightful than peeping into that Laduree box and gazing at an assortment of the best macaroons in the entire world and then deciding on which one you should choose first! ...



Serendipity Experience 65: Peruse Paris!

9:14 PM
Our family has left the wintery weather of Sydney for a family vacation in Europe. Our first stop... Paris! Being an avid francophile I just adore anything remotely french, so being immersed in the wonderful french culture is such a delightful experience. Despite being challenged to recall my schoolgirl french I am amazed at how quickly you fall into a new language, which...



Serendipity Experience 64: Set Sail!

11:57 PM
After ten years of living by the water we have finally taken the plunge and bought a boat! I have never been particularly motivated to have a boat, as all I can think of is the upkeep and maintenance that they require, however, after a few initial days of sailing I must admit that I am quite enjoying this new experience. It is...


winter decorating

Serendipity Experience 63: Welcome Winter.

7:44 PM
Today we must  finally accepted that it is Winter here in Sydney! With all our lovely sunny days it is quite easy to think that we are still in summer. We seem to say to each other in astonishment - "gosh it's cold today!" quite forgetting what season we are actually in.So this week I am embracing the winter winds!!! I am wrapping myself...


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