There is a beauty in found objects that just can't be replicated! Sifting through my shelves today I discovered that I have become a collector of found objects. Sea treasures, pebbles, birds nests, shells, no matter where I go I find myself picking up fallen leaves, acorns and drift wood, combing the beaches for any interesting finds! I knew that I had this...
"The simplest things are often the truest" - Richard Bach With each passing day I find myself increasingly drawn to the simple things in life. I don't know if it is the increasing demands of a fast pace world, or merely the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but more and more I find myself drawn to simple joys. The lighting of a candle, a...
"Time is but the stream I go a fishing in" Henry Thoreau It is very difficult to believe that we are approaching winter here in Sydney. The days have been stunningly warm, the skies a brilliant blue and the flowers have been continuing to bloom everywhere you look. I have felt compelled to get out amidst the sunshine and lap up every last...