
Serendipity Experience 86: Host a Spy Party!

1:26 AM

For my son's 10th Birthday we decided to host a Spy Party, which proved a real hit!!

The excitement began with our "Top Secret Invitations" which were sealed in a Confidential, "for your eye's only" envelope. ( Unfortunately one child took this too literally and nearly missed the party as he concealed the invitation too well from his mother).

Of course we had to have Spy Themed food complete with "Detective Dogs", "Bomb Cupcakes" and a Fortune cookie which held secret messages. The "Truth Serum" cordial  proved very popular with the more serious spy members.

Upon arrival each child was taken to "Spy Training Camp", where they were fingerprinted and inducted into spy school.

Each child was issued with a passport and then had to travel through ten mission posts, which included Code Breaking, Target Practice, Bomb Detonation ( water bombs of course!), Invisible Writing, Laser Evasion, Disguises and Memory Test.

The children loved the Detective Disguises game where they had to dress in a disguise and eat chocolate with a knife and fork before someone threw a six on the dice.

This, however, was nowhere near as popular as the Laser Evasion. I think they would have been happy just to spend the entire party crawling under the web of string that I set up in the hallway.

The party ended with a Scavenger Hunt in which I had them decode a series of cryptic clues, which led them to a pretend bomb, the excitement was tangible as they argued over which of the coloured wires to cut.   Thanks to one of the great cake ideas on pinterest my teenage daughter made a great magnifying glass birthday cake ( but that's another story!)

In all it was a highly successful party and a theme I would highly recommend for a party for 8 - 10 year olds.

Linking with Sorted with StyleFeathered Nest Friday and My Romantic Home 

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  1. fantastic ideas! i bet they loved it.

  2. you are a genius! I would have love a party like this! dee dee

  3. Oh my gosh.. How fun is this. What a creative and fun party that had to be.. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. oh this looks such fun! you are clever, it looks like they had the most fantastic time. Look forward to seeing the ideas for the 16th and 21st!

  5. I love this idea, Simone. When my kids were younger I loved coming up with ideas and themes. I think it is so much fun having the parties at home. I love the laser beams down the hallway.


  6. What a brilliant party!!! Wonderfully creative.

  7. I was away for quite a while and almost missed this wonderful post! This is so gorgeous, Simone! What a great idea for a birthday party - fantastic!

  8. Where did you get the hats and glasses? I love your ideas!

  9. Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for for my son's 10th birthday in 2 weeks. You are a life saver!

  10. Love your party ideas. My sister and I are planning a scrapbook crop with a spy theme. Where did you get the idea for the passport? I need some printables. Thank you, Annette


  11. Could you help me by letting me know where you bought the spy hats, glasses and passports.
    Thanks Leone

  12. What a great party! Could you tell me where you got the hats glasses and passport ideas. Printables would be great. Thankyou Lee

  13. How did you attached the spectacles to the party packs, did you use and elastic band at the back to keep the arms together? Your ideas are brilliant, thanks!


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