
Serendipity Experience 90 : Halloween Hues

10:16 PM

Pumpkin Ceterpiece

Our family loves to celebrate Halloween, but living in Australia means we can't go too over the top with our seasonal decorating ( After all we are in the midst of Spring here!) It is amazing though, how you can capture the halloween spirit with just a few splashes of orange and green.

Candle and Acorns

                            I love using natural elements such as pine cones, seedpods and nuts.

Seed pods

I decided that my green apples could add an interesting dimension to the dining table, which by the time I had finished had a distinctly seasonal feel to it.

Apple votives

Here in Sydney we may not have the gorgeous orange and red fall leaves to compliment our Halloween decorating, but our nightly sunsets are certainly making up for it!

Sydney Sunset
Linking with  Sorted with Style Seasonal Sundays , Sunny Simple Life, Cosy Little House

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  1. lovely! the candles in the apples is a cute idea. love your view!

  2. Simone, how lovely your post is today..the sunset photos are spectacular.
    Come say hi as I am having a giveaway❤

  3. So many gorgeous photos. I bet you house look gorgeous. And that sunset is WOW!


  4. Wow, your sunsets are quite beautiful and are the perfect colors for Halloween with your orange pumpkin. The apples are so clever cut with candles glowing. Good use of natural elements.


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