
Serendipity Experience 91 - Carve a Pumpkin!

6:12 PM

Our Jack O'Lantern

Happy Halloween! We have been carving our pumpkin for this evening trick or treating.
We have discovered over the past few years that there is quite an art to carving a pumpkin, for those of you new to the procedure, here are our tips!

                                        How to carve a Pumpkin.

.STEP 1:  Select the perfect pumpkin with a good base. 
 STEP 2:  Cut out a circular shape at the bottom of the pumpkin.
 STEP 3:  Use an ice cream scoop to remove the inner flesh and seeds of the pumpkin.
 STEP 4:  Select a free template from the internet and tape onto your pumpkin.
 STEP 5:  Using a pin or tracing wheel to trace around the template.
 STEP 6:  Remove template and cut around the traced shape.
 STEP 7:  Insert candle or light. If using a candle allow the flame to burn displaying a
                brown area on the inside of the pumpkin, cut a small hole at the rear of the pumpkin
                 in this scorched area to form a chimney.
 STEP 8:  Add cinnamon and nutmeg to the top of the pumpkin to create a festive perfume.
 STEP 9:  Apply petroleum jelly to the cut edges to stop shrivelling.
 STEP10:  Light and enjoy!

 Happy Halloween!

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  1. clever! something i have never tried.

  2. I am so impressed! Mackenzie looks so grown up! have fun tonight

  3. Simone, this is wonderful!
    I love the way it has been carved.
    Happy Halloween to you!

  4. We had a pumpkin carving experience this week too. Yours turned out fantastic!

  5. Love your pumpkin! Thanks for stopping by with your wonderful comment.
    New Follower! Happy Halloween!


  6. Looks like fun. Your pumpkin looks great. I do hope you had a Happy Halloween...


  7. This looks gorgeous and like a lot of fun! I hope you had a great Halloween! Can't wait to see your Christmas decoration!


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