
Serendipity Experience 93: Easter Nesting

3:50 AM

What I love about the approach of Easter is that it allows me to fulfil my indulgent obsession with nests.
Not just any nests, but nests filled with eggs. Ever since I was a young child I have been fascinated with the discovery of a bird nest nestled in a tree, we would search high and low for these little nests and carry them carefully home. Now that I live in the city scavenging for them is no longer an option so I have to be content with making my own. For me decorating for Easter needs nothing more simple than a little speckled egg!!

      If you are interested in making your own nest it is worth checking out Kate' tutorial at Nesting

                         This site has some good advice for making dying speckled eggs

                             I just love the simplicity of eggs used as table decorations.

"Don't put all your quail eggs in the one woven basket

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  1. Your eggs are beautiful! I love the natural speckled look. I love nests as well. Every spring before the leaves start to open I hunt around my farm for the little empty homes. I am visiting from the Charm of Home. thank you for sharing your lovely creations. Have a wonderful weekend! Love, Wanda

  2. Your eggs and nest are also beautiful.
    So many variations out there.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  3. Easter already! I love these, you are clever. Are you off to the Easter show too

  4. The eggs are so pretty! I love the speckles and the feathers tucked into the nest :) So festive and lovely!

  5. So nice to see you here again!
    I love your compositions and the eggs - so beautiful! Thanks for sharing the link for the tutorial, too!
    I can't believe Easter is around the corner, especially as it feels like we were in the middle of December or January here.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I just love the look of your speckled eggs. Tucked into to that cute nest is just so cute. Easter is right around the corner.


  7. I have missed seeing your marvelous posts..I hope all is good with you down under❤ sending you springtime happiness from BC.


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