I decided that I would link up again this week with Ashley Silk's Scavenger Hunt Sunday. My challenges was to find the beauty in the following ordinary objects.1. Beverage, 2. Texture 3. Button 4. Fog 5. Seventies. Beverage: Just one of the many drinks from my "Alice in Wonderland" high tea party! Texture: I just love the texture of this lovely old paperbark tree, reminds...
Hunting for Chestnuts in Summer is no easy feat! Yet that is precisely what I have been doing since I decided to join the Project 64 Colour Challenge! This challenge required me to find the colour chestnut and called for some serious 'thinking outside the square'. Fortunately on my beach walk today I found the answer! When you look at this you may see a vibrant blue...
I currently have an obsession with pears. I was actually unaware of my obsession until this morning when I looked around my kitchen and realized that I was surrounded by pears in all different shapes,sizes and forms. I am actually quite perplexed to realise that I have this obsession. Whilst I enjoy eating pears, it is not their flavour, smell or texture that...
I had so much fun joining Scavenger Hunt Sunday last week I thought I would challenge myself to try it again this week! The prompts for this week were: 1. Memories, 2.Silhouette 3. Doorway 4. Reflection 5.Silver. Silver : I hadn't appreciated how difficult it was to photograph silver. I can certainly see why it was chosen as one of the challenges! Memories:...
What is it about dandelion clocks? Every time I see one it takes me back to my childhood where we would tell the time by blowing on them and counting how many puffs it took for them to float away. I have evidently passed this onto my children, who can not pass one by without doing it too! ...
"Beauty is eloquent even when silent" proverb Today I resolved to take time to savor and appreciate the simple pleasure of sunshine. All too often I complain about the intensity of the heat and pull down my blinds. Today I took time to embrace its warmth and delighted in watching it play upon the water. Whilst we sat in silence watching the sun, I...
My challenge for the day was to join Scavenger Hunt Sunday! It looked like so many people were having a wonderful time interpreting the various prompts. Having just taken up photography I thought it might encourage me to experiment more...and I actually had a lot of fun in the process!! We had to interpret 1. A different view. 2. Looking Up 3. Abstract 4. Hair 5. Half. A Different...
After spending the past few days indoors my goal for the day was to get back to nature! With this in mind I decided the best place to do this was to visit our beautiful Botanical Gardens, nestled on the Sydney Harbour foreshore. We spent a delightful morning, walking the foreshore, inspecting the flowers, yearning to climb the trees and generally watching the...
"Our life is frittered away by detail..........Simplify, Simplify, Simplify" Henry David Thoreau After enjoying a month of Christmas excesses my goal for today is to get back to savouring the simple things in life! Instead of rushing through my daily routine, today I am going to sit back and slowly drink my "sultry chai" tea. I am going to pick up the paper...
Our family has just spent a delightful week being tourists in our own town, visiting museums, galleries, landmarks and even staying in a hotel in the city. It has been a wonderful bonding time together and a lovely start to the New Year. After spending this time together we were inspired to make some family resolutions for the year ahead. Each family member...
There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being Happy" Robert Louis Stevenson Fun in the Sun! The New Year has just begun and I find myself being surrounded with constant reminders to just 'embrace 'Happiness! It began on the first day of the New Year when a friend presented me with a book entitled "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin....