Decorative Cross Collection I love the concept of collections and am intrigued by what people collect. Recently when I found myself with a blank wall crying out for some texture, I decided to start a collection of decorative wall crosses. I love the three dimensional quality they offer. The simple elements of timber, metal and shell combine in an interesting display, which is all...
Kinfolk L"Esprit de la Mer menu Luncheon by the Sea Gorgeous styling at Avalon Sailing Club The Kinfolk Sydney Luncheon at Avalon Sailing Club was a truly delightful day. Thank you to Natalie form Eat, Read, Love , for what can only be described as a spectacular day. We could not have enjoyed more brilliant weather or scenery, the perfect May day! The...
After a self imposed break from blogging I thought Spring was the perfect time to re emerge from my hiatus. The past few months has yet again reinforced to me the need to live life to the full and find beauty and sustenance in the everyday. My dear friend Justine from Justine Gordon Photography, who so many of you know, has really had...
What I love about the approach of Easter is that it allows me to fulfil my indulgent obsession with nests. Not just any nests, but nests filled with eggs. Ever since I was a young child I have been fascinated with the discovery of a bird nest nestled in a tree, we would search high and low for these little nests and carry...
Brown Paper Packaging How beautiful is the simplicity of brown paper and string for gift wrapping! I firmly believe that as much time should be spent on selecting the wrapping for a present as deciding what gift to give. Half of the joy of a present is the anticipation of what is inside. Wrapping a present is both a form of self expression...
Our Jack O'Lantern Happy Halloween! We have been carving our pumpkin for this evening trick or treating. We have discovered over the past few years that there is quite an art to carving a pumpkin, for those of you new to the procedure, here are our tips! ...
Pumpkin Ceterpiece Our family loves to celebrate Halloween, but living in Australia means we can't go too over the top with our seasonal decorating ( After all we are in the midst of Spring here!) It is amazing though, how you can capture the halloween spirit with just a few splashes of orange and green. Candle and Acorns ...