Christmas Wrapping

Serendipity Experience 92: Brown Paper Packages tied up with string!

3:54 PM
Brown Paper Packaging How beautiful is the simplicity of brown paper and string for gift wrapping! I firmly believe that as much time should be spent on selecting the wrapping for  a present as deciding what gift to give. Half of the joy of a present is the anticipation of what is inside. Wrapping a present is both a form of self expression...



Serendipity Experience 91 - Carve a Pumpkin!

6:12 PM
Our Jack O'Lantern Happy Halloween! We have been carving our pumpkin for this evening trick or treating. We have discovered over the past few years that there is quite an art to carving a pumpkin, for those of you new to the procedure, here are our tips!                                ...


Autumn decorating

Serendipity Experience 90 : Halloween Hues

10:16 PM
Pumpkin Ceterpiece Our family loves to celebrate Halloween, but living in Australia means we can't go too over the top with our seasonal decorating ( After all we are in the midst of Spring here!) It is amazing though, how you can capture the halloween spirit with just a few splashes of orange and green. Candle and Acorns          ...



Serendipity Experience 89 - Create Book Art Silhouettes

3:49 AM
Our Book Art Pages We are a family of book lovers and always looking for new uses for old books, rather than throw out one of our "treasured but torn' books my daughter and I decided that we would create some book art. So we scoured the internet for silhouettes that we liked and printed them directly onto the pages of our old...



Serendipity Experience 88: A Hint of Nostalgia

5:50 PM
I Glass Bottles and Old Books I live in a contemporary home, which my friends jokingly call "The White House" as the colours and tones are almost entirely white. So when my parents and in laws decided to downsize their homes and pass on their collection of old books to me, I wondered what I would do with them as they didn't exactly...


Dala Horses

Serendipity Experience 87: A Splash of Scandinavia

5:18 PM
My Dala Horses We recently returned from a wonderful trip through Scandinavia. Whist in Sweden I bought these gorgeous little Dala horses. Lene Bjerre Rocking Horses Prior to my trip I was unaware of how popular the dala horses were in Sweden. Living in times when every thing is so mass produced, It was fabulous to see that so many of these horses...



Serendipity Experience 86: Host a Spy Party!

1:26 AM
For my son's 10th Birthday we decided to host a Spy Party, which proved a real hit!! The excitement began with our "Top Secret Invitations" which were sealed in a Confidential, "for your eye's only" envelope. ( Unfortunately one child took this too literally and nearly missed the party as he concealed the invitation too well from his mother). Of course we had...


Easter show

Serendipity Experience 85: Have Fun at the Fair.

11:49 PM
Despite having to battle the crowds, it is not truly Easter without a day out at the Sydney Royal Easter Show. If you get past the all consuming show bags and expensive fairground rides, the Easter show can actually be a very pleasant experience The show brings back so many wonderful childhood memories of fairy floss, Kewpie dolls and Toffee apples I am...



Serendipity Experience 84: Embrace Easter!

6:48 PM
The sun is shining in all it's glory and we have the most spectacular  Easter day here in Sydney! It is almost picture perfect weather!!!! With the family finally all home and relaxing we are busy preparing for our Easter luncheon. In keeping with the lovely fresh feel in the air we are planning on having a lime green and duck egg blue...



Serendipity Experience 83 - Spring Fling!

4:25 PM
 It may be the start of Autumn here in Sydney but you could certainly be forgiven for thinking it was Spring.The sky is blue, the flowers are blooming and there is signs of new life everywhere you look. I love the fact that introducing one solitary colour can totally transform the landscape of the house into an Easter celebration. My favourites are the...


Easter eggs

Serendipity Experience 82 : Easter Eggcitement!

12:11 AM
 I love the simplicity and joy of Easter. It is a celebration of  new life, freshness and  pureness!  Whilst the chocolate bunnies are embraced enthusiastically by our household on Easter Sunday, beyond  the chocolate is the excuse to refresh the house with beautiful posies and fresh pastel colours.  Easter for us is a time to relax and re energize.  To set the easter table,...



Serendipity Experience 81 : Take a Break!

4:24 AM
I decided to take a "blogging break" over our summer holidays in order to attempt to have some quality family time!!! School has returned and so I find myself back in my routines and able to return to my computer!! I have spent the past few days looking back over my holiday photos from our recent trip to Europe and have been feeling...



Serendipity Experience 80: Treasure Tranquility!

8:11 PM
As I sit back relishing the long summer holiday break, I find myself with  time to reflect upon the year just past and to decide upon my goals and dreams for the year ahead. As I do so, I am increasingly aware of the importance of those tranquil, quiet moments which are all too rare amidst the daily routines and schedules. Taking photographs...


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