How Exciting! I am attending my first Virtual Party. The girls at A Common Thread are celebrating their new blog with a beautiful gathering. It looks like such a elegant affair, and of course I couldn't attend empty handed, so I thought I would just pop over to Paris and pick up my favourite Laduree macarons! Nothing is as beautiful as these delicate...
"What are friends, books, or health, the interests of travel or the delights of home if we have not time?" Happy Thanksgiving! Living in Australia we of course do not celebrate Thanksgiving, yet it is lovely to be part of such a lovely sentiment as 'giving thanks". Today I give thanks for the gift of Time! At the start of the year I...
Indulge: 1 To yield to, satisfy or gratify. 2. To yield to the wishes or whims of, be lenient or permissive with. Justine is hosting Sunday Creative at present and set us the challenge to respond to the word prompt "Indulge". I had been pondering exactly what this meant to me, when in true Serendipity style I was presented with my answer! Here...
Prompted by my Serendipity Experience I have decided to challenge myself and join Ali Edwards' December Daily 2010 Project. This is quite a mammoth undertaking as the task requires the keeping of a daily diary throughout the month of December to document in photographs, journaling and general memorabilia the 24 days leading up to Christmas. My December Daily Journal The first task is...
Hark the Herald, Angels sing....... Our Homemade Christmas Angel My family is in the midst of Christmas chaos ! Our Christmas Decorations are being unpacked and piece by piece our home is being transformed into a blanket of gold and cream. Each new box reveals a lovely surprise, an object we have forgotten even existed for the past year. In the midst...
Lonely: 1. lone; solitary; without company, companionless Today as I passed my son's treasured "Elly" lying lonely and abandoned on the stairway, I thought how appropriate this would be for Justine's Creative Sunday prompt: Lonely!. It also prompted me to plan my goal for the day - to sort through our family treasure box, which hoards an assortment of baby booties, lost teeth, school...
Every year I make an advent calendar ready for the start of December. My challenge this year was to create a Calendar with a vintage look, inspired by the beautiful book Vintage Inspirations. It was so simple to create, yet effective and decorative in the process. Whilst I made some of the decorations these were intermingled with tree ornaments I have purchased in previous...
I challenged myself to start my Christmas Shopping early this year. This is not an easy feat, particularly as it is a very humid day here, the sky is a deep, deep blue and it is hard to believe that Christmas is just over six weeks away. However, from past experience I know how important it is to get in early if I am to have any hope of completing my shopping on time. My favourite store Alfresco Emporium was an obvious first choice, particularly for Christmas Baking supplies. I bought a fabulous set of "Snowflake Cookie Cutters" and a wonderful Silicone "Mr Gingerbread" chocolate mould, which I know my children are going to love. Of course Christmas would not be complete without a Gingerbread House kit, which the children will be desperate to start this afternoon!!!
Despite my best intentions I was only able to find one actual gift....but it looks as though I might have a bit of holiday cooking ahead of me!
As a collector of beautiful papers, pens and stationary it is not a surprise that I am a lover of journals. Ever since I was a young girl I have kept a journal. Of course then it was a simple recount of my daily events kept in a small diary with a padlock and key. My love of journals has evolved significantly since then. I am the keeper of travel journals, recipe journals, scrapbooks and even a journal of lists! An unplanned visit today to the blog of sisigirl and her beautiful artbook journal has re inspired me to return to my own journaling. Of course I do not have the wonderful painting skills that she possesses, yet this doesn't prevent me from creating my own visual journal. There is so much inspiration for keeping a tangible record of your life, goals and creativity!
- Visual Prompts
- Quotations and Poems
- Photo Journals
- Hopes and Heirlooms
- Travel Journals
- Goal Setting
- Dream Journaling
- Gardening or Nature Journal
- Style Files
- Art Journals
"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things"
Henry Miller
Justine's The Sunday Creative challenge this week has inspired me to do something I have been intending to do for some months, plan our next family vacation.
Her prompt Aspiration - 1. strong desire, longing or ambition. 2. A goal or objective desired. 3. Act of aspirating - breath. When I think of this I am thinking not purely of the strong desire or longing for a holiday, but rather for the desire for us to spend time away as a family. This photograph was taken recently when my husband and I went for a week away to Hamilton Island, whilst I appreciate how important it is to spend time away as a couple I feel it is equally as important to have family holidays.Family holidays are times when we escape the constraints of work, school, friends and routines and re engage with each other. Our holidays have been some of the most treasured memories we share.It is a time to linger, talk, laugh and relax together. We come away from our vacations with a special connection that somehow manages to sustain us through the hectic daily routines. I think it is apt that this desire and longing should be called "Aspiration" as it certainly provides us with the breath of fresh air that all need in our lives...I'm off to book mine!
To see more aspirations click here!

What can define the joy of 'Serendipity' more than a simple cardboard box! As I watched my son playing today with his brown cardboard box I was transported back to a time when my children were babies and the wrapping paper and packaging held far more appeal than all their shiny new toys. I watched as his imagination took flight, his box was transformed into a spaceship, a racing car... a "secret agent" headquarters. He has had so much fun with that simple box and has made me solemnly swear that I won't throw it out tonight ( How well he knows me!!!). I am reminded of how important it is to stop and relish these simple joys, before we know it they are far behind us.
To see more interesting "disguises" have a look at the following site!
After all the Celebrations of the past few days today my goal was purely and simply to reground myself. I was very tempted just to stay home and do the housework, but instead decided to challenge myself with the 'Spit to Manly Walk" ,which despite being just 100 metres from my front door I have not done for many years. It was a glorious day, I watched the sun dancing on the waves, saw some incredible rock formations and bumped into several water dragons along the way. Engaging in Nature in the best way possible...feet first!
Today was Melbourne Cup Day in Australia, an event in which the entire nation stops at 3.00pm for a two minute race. A day filled with champagne, chicken sandwiches, marquee's and fashions on the field. My challenge today was one I have previously attempted on the past ten Cup Days, To pick a winner!
Based upon my previous Track Record I knew it would be no easy feat! However, on this occassion we had the benefit of a host who is one of Australia's leading Race Analysts. My friend Patrice hosted a decadent day of pure indulgence, which began early with a sumptuous feast of canapes, champagne and of course chocolate covered strawberries. As each race unfolded with no sign of victory I realised that despite the advice from the 'best in the business' today's goal would not be fulfilled and I would have to wait another year for my annual bet. Thank Goodness for Champagne!
Based upon my previous Track Record I knew it would be no easy feat! However, on this occassion we had the benefit of a host who is one of Australia's leading Race Analysts. My friend Patrice hosted a decadent day of pure indulgence, which began early with a sumptuous feast of canapes, champagne and of course chocolate covered strawberries. As each race unfolded with no sign of victory I realised that despite the advice from the 'best in the business' today's goal would not be fulfilled and I would have to wait another year for my annual bet. Thank Goodness for Champagne!